Friday, September 23, 2016

Racing Extinction Largest-ever World Wildlife Conference

Racing Extinction
Largest-ever World Wildlife Conference
Racing Extinction : Largest-ever World Wildlife Conference

World Wildlife Conference opens in Johannesburg with calls for changes to protection levels of 500 species of wild animals and plants! CITES #CoP17, the largest-ever meeting of its kind, will consider 62 proposals to change #CITES trade controls affecting close to 500 species put forward by 64 countries from across every region.

Over 2,500 delegates, including those representing more than 180 countries, are due to attend. Changes to trade controls for the African #elephant, white #rhinoceros, lion, pumas, pangolins, silky and thresher #sharks, devil #rays, nautilus, peregrine falcons, African grey parrot, crocodiles, flapshell turtles, the Titicaca water frog and psychedelic rock gecko, as well as the Grandidier’s baobab tree and many species of rosewood, and other animals and plants will all be decided upon.

#CITES #CoP17 #CITES4Seas #CITES4Sharks #LoveMiniMantas #RacingExtinction #WorthMoreAlive #WildAid #WWF #Heartimals

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