Thursday, January 28, 2016

How Wolves Change Rivers

How Wolves Change Rivers
They brought wolves back to Yellowstone, but they had no idea this would be the result.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Double Exposure GIFs Of Wild Animals Show How Humans Destroy Their Habitats

Double Exposure GIFs Of Wild Animals Show How Humans Destroy Their Habitats

Turkish artist Said Dagdeviren makes beautiful art with a message. His recent series, Double Exposure, is of animated animal silhouettes and human activity that damages animal habitats. Said made these gifs because this is how he feels about our planet. “Humans are so selfish and they didn’t want to see… animals can’t talk, they can’t tell us how much they hurt. We destroy everything and it breaks my heart so deeply. Maybe my work will touch someone’s hearts and make them realize that we’re not alone in this world. We are connected." – Said Dagdeviren

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Zion National Park (Utah)

Zion National Park (Utah)

Massive canyon walls ascend toward a brilliant blue sky. To experience Zion, you need to walk among the towering cliffs, or challenge your courage in a small narrow canyon. These unique sandstone cliffs range in color from cream, to pink, to red. They could be described as sand castles crowning desert canyons.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Spectacular Snowy Owl Captured on Traffic Camera

Spectacular Snowy Owl Captured on Traffic Camera
A stunning snowy owl was caught in flight on a government camera and it looks as though the animal posed for the photos.