Friday, December 25, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015

WWF : Panda Series Print Ad by BBH Shanghai

WWF : Panda Series Print Ad by BBH Shanghai
我们不仗保拍大熊貓 : : WWF : Panda Series Print Ad by BBH Shanghai : The main objective is to raise awareness that WWF China is involved in many programs aside from just protecting pandas. In China, there’s a misnomer that WWF only protects pandas, because of their iconic logo. The task is to correct the perception by showcasing their wetlands, wildlife and forestry programs.



What Font Is Your Beard? Use This Chart To Find Out

What Font Is Your Beard? Use This Chart To Find Out

The Typography Beard Guide pairs popular beard styles with their font brothers.

How sans serif is your beard? Are your chin whiskers more of a Bodoni, a Times, or a Comic Sans? Exactly what typographical allegiances does your facial 'fro owe? And what is your favorite font’s beard brother?

These are the questions asked by the Typography Beard Guide, a humorous chart by artist and beard wearer Christian Goldemann, in which 25 popular facial hair styles are assigned a font based upon their layout and characteristics of its follicles.

Asked by Co.Design about what makes a good font brother for a beard, the Stuttgart graphic designer is the first to admit he can’t really explain it in words. "For most of the facial hair styles, I picked fonts based upon the shape of the beard or whether a particular person who wore that kind of beard would have favored a particular font," Goldemann tells me. "But it’s more than just linking a certain beard to a font that was contemporary at a time, or to a person. There’s no set formula."

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Worst Client Comments Turned Into Posters

Worst Client Comments Turned Into Posters
Frustrated by stupid client criticism, Irish graphic designers Mark Shanley and Paddy Treacy decided to turn their “favorite worst feedback” into posters. The guys worked together on so-called “Sharp Suits” series with a team of other ad creatives, designers, animators, directors, illustrators and more, who must’ve all appreciated a chance to let out some of their exasperation in a creative way.

The series was exhibited at The Little Green Café, Bar and Gallery in November, giving a chance to purchase an A3 poster of your choice. The guys, however, received so many orders during a 5 day exhibition, that they’ve already stopped accepting them. All the thousands of euros they raised were donated to the Temple Street Children Hospital.